About us

School Rules

From time immemorial, next to the family, the School plays vital role in moulding the young children in the formation of attitudes, habits, ideals, perceptions etc. The right values and principles instilled and nurtured in the formative years of their lives can promote in students decency, courtesy, good conduct, confidence and an independent mind in helping to make them worthy citizen of a global community.

Rules are made for students to realize that basically society is governed by certain laws and some unwritten codes of courtesy and humanity. Students have to realize that in following rules, they learn to respect the freedom of others.

One optimistically hopes that these rules and regulations will help in providing the right direction in self-discipline of the child enabling him to take his place in the changing world of today.

All students should at all times maintain a high standard of manners. In particular:

In all disciplinary matters, the authority of the Principal is final and binding.
We believe in discipline and in firmness, hence disobedience and disregard of rules will NOT be tolerated. Any breach of common sense or good manners, any word or action likely to lower the good name of the School will be regarded as breach of discipline.

The School reserves the right to expel students whose diligence or progress in academics is consistently unsatisfactory, or whose conduct is harmful to the welfare of other students.

Immorality, grave insubordination, hitting, extortion of money or other items from other students, stealing, telling lies, use of foul language or contempt of authority will be regarded as serious offences and can warrant the severest of punishment.

Thieving, cheating, destroying school property etc. are liable to warrant expulsion.






These cards are issued to appreciate the students for their commendable work and performance in different areas of learning such as academics, sports, discipline, co-curricular activities etc.

Red Card 1 : This card is issued for :

Red Card 2 : This card is issued for :
Red Card 3 : This card is issued for :
Blue Card 1 :
Blue Card 2 :
Blue Card 3 :
Yellow Card 1 :
Yellow Card 2 :
Yellow Card 3 :
Academic Card